Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary time
Tnax-il Ħadd matul is-Sena
☀️For children from 8 to 11 years old to enjoy learning and pray.☀️
1. Stop from what you are doing and calm down. In some quiet time, watch this video.
1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjo.
2. Enjoy doing this activity.
2. Ħu gost agħmel din l-attività
- We need
§ €20, the newer the better
§ a newspaper
We will learn that
§ we are precious in God’s eyes
§ God is present, even in the pain and suffering
- Activity
We show the children a €20 and ask if they want it
We crumble the €20 in our hands. We open it; it is wrinkled. Do they still want it?
We throw it on the floor and step on it. We pick it up; now it is wrinkled and dirty. Do they still want the €20?
Yes? Why?
Because the value of the €20 did not change.
There are times when we put too much weight on what others think about us. If those close to us, repeatedly tell us that we are good for nothing, that everything we do is wrong, we will start to believe them. But God gave each one of us many talents. If we think that we are not as good as others, that we are not worth the while, that we do not make a difference, we cannot discover the talents God has given us.
God gave us these talents/beautiful qualities, for our own good and for the good of others. We are precious in the eyes of God. How can God, who takes care of the sparrows, not take care of us? He gave us these talents as gifts, but we must believe in ourselves to be able to discover them.
Let the children speak about their talents, if they have abilities which they did not mention, but as parents we know about them, we talk to them about them.
Closing prayer
We make the sign of the cross.
Today’s gospel refers to suffering. Together we go through the newspaper and mark those articles which show suffering and pain. Suffering is a part of life. Some of this suffering is due to carelessness, others due to selfishness, or because of natural phenomena. Whatever the cause, God always accompanies us.
Thank you, God, you know us so well. You love us and have faith in us. You want us to be the best version of ourselves; give us courage not to lose hope, so as not to allow other people’s remarks affect us negatively. When you created the world, everything was right. Suffering, at times is a result of the bad choices we make. We believe that you are with us, even in these difficult times.
We pray that you are with those who are suffering (we mention the people whom we read about in the newspaper).
Today we also want to lift all fathers to you, so that you help them in the role you have given them.
Listen to this song: Watching over you
This song introduces this week’s Prayer Space. It is linked to the gospel, to the sparrows and God’s concern for us.