Għid il-Ħamsin
🔥L-Ispirtu s-Santu🔥 jagħtihulna Ġesù biex ikun dejjem magħna. Ġesù jaħfrilna dnubietna, jinkoraġġina, u jgħinna ngħixu ħajja tajba.❤
Jesus gives us the 🔥Holy Spirit🔥 to be with us. Jesus forgives our sins, encourage us and helps us to live a good life.❤
2. Enjoy drawing this picture and dance with the song.
2. Enjoy drawing this picture and dance with the song.
2. Ħu gost pinġi din l-istampa u iżfen mal-kanzunetta.
2. Ħu gost pinġi din l-istampa u iżfen mal-kanzunetta.
Draw this picture above. Then you can share it us here.
3. Let's speak with Jesus and if you want, share your prayer.
3. Let's speak with Jesus and if you want, share your prayer.
3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.
3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.
Are you enjoying doing crafts and drawings? Do you wish to share them with us? Take a picture and send them by email or message
Are you enjoying doing crafts and drawings? Do you wish to share them with us? Take a picture and send them by email or message
Qed tieħu gost b'dawn il-krafts u tpinġijiet? Tixtieq taqsamhom magħna? Ħu ritratt u ibgħathom b'email jew b'messaġġ
Qed tieħu gost b'dawn il-krafts u tpinġijiet? Tixtieq taqsamhom magħna? Ħu ritratt u ibgħathom b'email jew b'messaġġ
Be Family
Be Family