Fifth week of Easter

Il-ħames ġimgħa tal-Għid

☀️ For children from 4 to 7 years old☀️

Jesus is our way

♦During our day⏲, we make alot of choices. We choose what to do, what to play🏓🕹🏐, if we respect others. Jesus helps us to choose to care and love others and creation.🌴🍇🐻🐈🐕🥝🐦🍓🦉

Ġesù hu t-triq tagħna

♦Matul il-ġurnata⏲, aħna nagħmlu ħafna deċiżjonijiet: nagħżlu x'nagħmlu, biex ser nilgħabu🏓🕹🏐, jekk nirrispettax lill-oħrajn. Ġesù jgħinna nagħżlu li nieħdu ħsieb u nħobbu 'l -ħaddieħor u l-ħolqien kollu. 🌴🍇🐻🐈🐕🥝🐦🍓🦉

1. We will stop and watch the clip about how Jesus takes care of us.

1. Ser nieqfu minn dak li qed nagħmlu u naraw dawn il-vidjos fuq kif Ġesù jieħu ħsiebna.

2. Enjoy drawing this picture and dance with the song.

2. Ħu gost pinġi din l-istampa u iżfen mal-kanzunetta.

Draw this picture above. Then you can share it us here.

3. Let's speak with Jesus and if you want, share your prayer.

3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.

Are you enjoying doing crafts and drawings? Do you wish to share them with us? Take a picture and send them by email or message

Qed tieħu gost b'dawn il-krafts u tpinġijiet? Tixtieq taqsamhom magħna? Ħu ritratt u ibgħathom b'email jew b'messaġġ

Be Family

Follow the Readings

Sunday mass 9.30am