Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary time
Is-Sbatax-il Ħadd matul is-Sena
1. Stop from what you are doing and calm down. In some quiet time, watch this video.
1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjo.
2. Enjoy doing this activity.
2. Ħu gost agħmel din l-attività
We will learn that
§ Jesus wants to be with us and make us joyful people. This is the Kingdom of Heaven!
§ For this to happen, we ought to seek Jesus before everything else. He is our greatest treasure.
§ At times, we have to suffer so as to seek this treasure, but when we succeed in finding it, we would have become truly rich.
We need
§ Objects which are considered precious by the children (toys, digital games etc.)
§ We should identify places where we can hide these objects (these places must be safe for the children!)
§ Signs which can help the children seek their treasured objects in the right direction
We ask: do know what the word Kingdom means? A Kingdom is a place which is belongs to and is governed by a King. The Kingdom of Heaven is so called since the one true King is God. This Kingdom is not to be found in a specific place, which is far or near. This Kingdom is among us, within us, and in our hearts! Jesus thirsts for our love and he wants to converse with us and be our friend. He wants to take care of us and make us happy.
Now, you may help the children to start seeking their hidden treasured objects. Let the children experience the difficulties and challenge until they have found the hidden objects.
When the children succeed in their search, ask them: Do you remember the stories recounted by Jesus in today's Gospel? (Remember the treasure hidden in the field and the precious pearl which was found and bought).
When the children recall the Gospel stories, you can explain to them that as they have succeeded in finding their treasured objects, so they can also search for and find the Kingdom of Heaven. They may find Jesus and treasure Him as their greatest friend.
We may ask them: was the search for their treasured objects always easy? Surely some difficulties cropped up. Likewise, for us to find Jesus and keep Him as our friend, we have to win over some difficulties and be persistent in our search (Help the children name some simple things which may distract their friendship with Jesus).
We may likewise ask the children: Now that you have your treasured objects, what are to going to do with them? If you will try to keep these objects in a safe place, you need to do the same with Jesus. You have to do your utmost to be his friends.
We may close the activity by asking the children to tell us what helped them or what might have hindered their search for their treasured objects. Moreover, we should help them identify what might help them or hinder them in their search for the Kingdom of Heaven.