Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary time
L-Erbatax-il Ħadd matul is-Sena
1. Stop from what you are doing and calm down. In some quiet time, watch this video.
1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjo.
2. Enjoy doing this activity.
2. Ħu gost agħmel din l-attività
We will learn that
§ Jesus knows that there are times when we find it difficult to do something which is good, even though we wish to do it
§ Jesus wants to help us
We need
§ Pebbles or stones, one for each person present
§ A crucifix or statue/picture of Jesus which the children have in the bedrooms
§ A heavy luggage, heavy enough to make it difficult for the children to lift
§ Colours
§ A printout of the picture below
We ask: what is a yoke? After allowing the children to say their thoughts, we show them the picture and explain that this was put on oxen to plough the fields. It was hard work, but because they were in pairs, they helped each other and the work was made easier.
What is Jesus telling us?
Look at the luggage/ When do we use it? Will someone try to lift it up? Allow the children to try and lift it up and bring it near you. When they see that it is difficult to lift, give them a helping hand.
We ask? What was different now? The weight of the luggage did not change, but because you received help, you managed to lift it up and take it wherever you wanted with less effort.
This is what Jesus would like to do. He sees us when we need help but at times we do not ask for his help. He expects us to seek his help, so that he might give us the strength to do those things which we are finding difficult to accomplish.
We ask: Are there things which you are finding difficult to do? Things which are troubling you? We allow everyone to have a turn.