Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary time

It-Tlettax-il Ħadd matul is-Sena

☀️ For children from 4 to 7 years old☀️

1. Stop from what you are doing and calm down. In some quiet time, watch this video.

1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjo.

2. Enjoy doing this activity.

2. Ħu gost agħmel din l-attività

We will learn that

§ Jesus knows that there will be difficult times for us when we follow him.

§ Jesus wants us to welcome everyone, he wants us to be friends with everyone.

We need

§ A picture of Jesus (see below)

§ Colours

§ Blank papers

§ Cardboard paper

§ Glue


Is there a doormat outside the house? Is there something written on it? Is there WELCOME written on it? If we do not have one, did we ever see one of these doormats? Some houses, instead of having a doormat, have a decorative sign with the word WELCOME. Many shops have a WELCOME sign. What does this word mean?

Jesus told us that when we do something good for someone else, we would be doing it to him. Let the children give examples of acts of kindness. Help them give concrete examples from their daily lives. Adults may likewise mention their own examples. Jesus speaks to all of us and not just to the children.

We ask: Was is it always easy for us to accomplish the things we have mentioned?

Jesus knows that it is not always easy, and he is pleased when he sees our efforts. He promises that he is always with us.

When we are ready, we allow the children to colour the picture below. When they are ready, they may draw some of the acts of kindness mentioned earlier, on the blank paper. Even the adults may join and draw (or write) their own situations. All these drawings may be glued on the cardboard paper and placed somewhere where it is easily seen. This poster will function as a reminder that Jesus wants us to welcome and be friends with everyone.


Sign of the cross.

We pray the Our Father and remember that God loves everyone, and he is father of all.

Go to the Prayer Space, it will help us to further explore the gospel message.

3. Let's speak with Jesus and if you want, share your prayer.

3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.

Are you enjoying doing crafts and drawings? Do you wish to share them with us? Take a picture and send them by email or message

Qed tieħu gost b'dawn il-krafts u tpinġijiet? Tixtieq taqsamhom magħna? Ħu ritratt u ibgħathom b'email jew b'messaġġ

Be Family

Follow the Readings

Sunday mass 9.30am