Third week of Easter
It-Tielet Ġimgħa tal-Għid
☀️For children from 8 to 11 years old to enjoy learning and pray.☀️
The story of these 2 friends of Jesus on their road to Emmaus is amazing! Jesus was with them and they were so happy when they recognised him!
L-istorja ta' dawn iż-żewġt' iħbieb ta' Ġesù fi triqthom lejn Emmaws hija sabiħa ħafna! Ġesù kien miexi magħhom u huma kienu tant ferħana meta għarfuh!🚶🚶🚶
1. In some quiet time, watch and read about the story from the Gospel.
1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjos u aqra l-Evanġelju.
From the Gospel of St Luke
Then they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?” So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” Then the two recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.
Skont l-Evanġelju ta' San Luqa
U wieħed lill-ieħor bdew jgħidu: “Ma kinitx imkebbsa qalbna ġewwa fina huwa u jkellimna fit-triq u jfissrilna l-Iskrittura?”. Dak il-ħin stess qamu u reġgħu lura Ġerusalemm. Hemm sabu lill-Ħdax u lil sħabhom miġbura flimkien, u dawn qalulhom: “Il-Mulej qam tassew, u deher lil Xmun!”. U huma wkoll tarrfulhom x’kien ġralhom fit-triq, u kif kienu għarfuh fil-qsim tal-ħobż.
2. You can choose an exercise or two and enjoy learning with Jesus.
2. Tista' tagħażel xi eżerċizzu jew tnejn u ħu gost tgħallem ma' Ġesù.
3. Let's speak with Jesus by praying and if you want, share your prayer with us.
3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù billi nitolbu u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.