Ascension of our Lord

It-tlugħ is-sema tal-Mulej

☀️For children from 8 to 11 years old to enjoy learning and pray.☀️

Ġesù tant iħobbna❤ illi qed jagħtina biċċa xogħol importanti! X'inhi din⁉ Li nwasslu l-Aħbar it-Tajba 📢 lil xulxin billi per eżempju ngħinu lil xulxin, nitkellmu fuq Ġesù ma' xulxin u naqsmu dak li għandna. 📡

Jesus loves❤ us so much that he is giving us an important task! What is that? To share the Good News📢 to each other for example by helping each other, we speak about Jesus and share what we have with each other. 📡

1. Stop from what you are doing and calm down. In some quiet time, watch and read about the Gospel.

1. Oqgħod ftit fil-kwiet u ara dawn il-vidjos u aqra l-Evanġelju.

From the Gospel of St Matthew

The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Qari mill-Evanġelju skond San Mattew

F’dak iż-żmien, il-ħdax-il dixxiplu telqu lejn il-Galilija u marru fuq il-muntanja fejn kien ordnalhom Ġesù. Kif rawh, inxteħtu quddiemu, għalkemm xi wħud iddubitaw. Ġesù resaq ikellimhom u qalilhom: “Lili ngħatat kull setgħa fis-sema u fl-art. Morru, mela, agħmlu dixxipli mill-ġnus kollha, u għammduhom fl-isem tal-Missier u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu, u għallmuhom iħarsu dak kollu li ordnajtilkom jien. U ara, jiena magħkom dejjem, sa l-aħħar taż-żmien”.

2. You can choose an exercise or two and enjoy learning with Jesus. You can also draw about how Jesus loves you.

2. Tista' tagħżel xi eżerċizzu jew tnejn u ħu gost tgħallem ma' Ġesù. Tista' wkoll tpinġi dwar kif Ġesù jħobbok.

3. Let's speak with Jesus and if you want, share your prayer with us.

3. Ħa nitkellmu ma' Ġesù u jekk tixtieq, aqsam it-talba tiegħek magħna.

Are you enjoying doing crafts and drawings? Do you wish to share them with us? Take a picture or do a short video and send them on or on the our Facebook page

Qed tieħu gost b'dawn il-crafts u tpinġijiet? Tixtieq taqsamhom magħna? Ħu ritratt u ibgħathom fuq jew fuq il-Facebook page tagħna

4. Be Family

Follow the Readings

Sunday mass 9.30am
