Resources related to sacraments
7 Sacraments to "Your Grace Is Enough" by Chris Tomlin
A reminder of the Seven Sacraments set to worship music.
This video doesn't give a lot of info about the sacraments, but does give a few pictures and reminds us of what they are.
IN THE SESSION: A good introduction, or maybe an activity of some kind where the young people have to write down the words that come in to their heads for each one?
The Seven Sacraments by Edwin Aldrin Aguila
Another run through of the Sacraments - this time with a bit more catechetical content, and short, simple descriptions and key phrases.
IN THE SESSION: As above, an intro or a recap.
Information about the sacraments
Sacraments 101: Confirmation
A video about the 7 sacraments -
Other resources about Sacraments
St Mary’s Press:
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